3,829 miles 

The last picture I shredded

Were those journal entries you laced

You were glad your Ma and sister could see again

The page that stuck to my cerebellum 

Was the coffee shop one

You wrote to me

How you saw a young girl

Who smiled unapologetically 

Who laughed carelessly

Who loved fully

And you felt you lost that

You felt you had to be strong, because pretty girls

Have to

You told me in a kiss

That I made you feel how you felt

When you were a kid

“When I’m with you I can be that little girl again”

I’ve used a rock and my scars to try to forget

Your apartment’s passcode

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Here at Lunch with Nick, I want to foster a cozy, chill, and fun blog. Hopefully, while you read my off the cuff, train of thought blog posts, you’ll feel like you’re catching up with an old friend over lunch. Please enjoy!

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