Dating around is hilarious

So I’ve been single for the past two months. In this time, I have admittedly been doing a lotta dating around. I’ve been out on countless coffee dates, I’ve had girls over, I’ve met people at bars, I’ve overall just been up to no good. It’s my last semester at college, and now that I’m single, I really wanted to try to live that up. I used to never go out. Funnily enough, the first time I went to college bars at my university was when I was in a relationship. It was funny honestly. I had a good time, but I felt like if I was single I would have been able to enjoy it more. I never gave that much thought though, because I was happily in a relationship.

Until I wasn’t, and here I am. So yeah, like I said, I’ve been on a lotta dates and meeting all kinds of different girls lately. Where do I even start? The main thing that I think about is just how exhausting it can honestly be. I was in a relationship for over a year, so I am out of the game to put it lightly. I never cheated. I don’t do that shit. So yeah, I had to do some relearning when it came to dating and talking to people for the first time. It’s like learning how to ride a bike again. There’s a sexual innuendo in there that I don’t have the brain power to look for.

It’s funny. I feel like I’ve been dating around for so long now, but in reality, it has only been a couple months. Dating around is so tough. I made this really cool metaphor for it, that describes how I feel perfectly about dating. Whenever you go out on a date with someone, it’s like they’re letting you slip into their world for a brief time. I once took a girl out for a coffee, and I realized this. Maybe it was because I was talking to another girl at the time, but having to remember every detail both girls told me at once is challenging.

I sound like such an ass but it’s the truth. You know what’s also challenging? Running into your ex on a date. I took a girl out on a date, and I ran into my ex when I was out with her. My first response was honestly to laugh. I thought to myself how funny this was. I’m here with a girl, she’s probably here with a guy. That’s where my mind immediately went. I felt bad. She looked like she was in rough shape. She was pale, had deep eye bags, and just looked like she was scared. I wouldn’t feel great either if I saw the guy I thought I would marry with another guy. Yeah, breakups are messy.

Thankfully, she left, and I was able to enjoy my date. I ran into her again later, and uh, let’s maybe save that interaction for another blog post. But seriously, when you see someone, whether it’s casually or in a serious relationship, you have a lot to keep track of. I remember, my ex told me that “when something good or bad happens to you, it also happens to your partner”. That’s so damn true. Your partner is truly a reflection of you. It’s crazy how that works out. What’s even crazier are some of these girls I’ve taken out.

One girl (who looked a lot like a combination of Jennifer Anniston and my ex, don’t ask) was fucking bonkers. It was a fun date, but this girl told me all about the stuff she would do in her free time, aka, a shit load of drugs. It was actually wild, some of the stuff she told me. I’m not one to judge though. Who am I to judge? I was disappointed when she didn’t want to do ketamine with me though. Jokes, but obviously, I’m not a huge drug or alcohol guy. Kinda crazy. Makes for a good inside joke with the friends at the very least.

That’s what I realized. When you’re single and you’re seeing what’s out there, you have endless lore to share with the boys. I would have multiple funny stories to tell my friends about my dating life. They were having the time of their life listening too. It’s funny, because when I was in my previous relationship, I had a friend who was in my current situation. She was dating around and had loads of crazy stories for me. Honestly, it is tough to be single sometimes. It’s easy to feel lonely. It’s also tough to be in a relationship sometimes too. You can’t really catch a break either way. Just do the best that you can, and tell yourself if it doesn’t work out, it’ll make for a good bar story.

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