It’s raining at the cleaners

Reuniting in my parking lot

Was a breath of well water

Our apartment complex was tiny

So were you 

I am a foot taller 

Your apparition appears

At the top of staircases with carpets 

And claws at my carotid

The pair of chairs sat there with us

While we waited for her clothes

Her blouse could have been my left sock

Sorry my Dad got mad at us 

For showering in the ocean

Long car rides are easy to stomach 

When you have someone to hold yours 

Who knew a laundry room

Would be so romantic and infernal

Imagine if our parents ended up meeting?

Would they have liked each other?

How many questions do you have

That you will never get answered?

Because we cut the other out

How many girls have I took since?

You were still asking the wrong questions 

After we broke up

I needed to escape your controlling heart 

The worst nightmare 

Is when an event happens that you 

Were going to be at

And your absence holds a skull

I remember the cinder block

Next to the door 

When my existence 

Leaked out of you 

Those chairs are very lonely now 

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Here at Lunch with Nick, I want to foster a cozy, chill, and fun blog. Hopefully, while you read my off the cuff, train of thought blog posts, you’ll feel like you’re catching up with an old friend over lunch. Please enjoy!

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