FF7 Rebirth is an awesome middle chunk

Final Fantasy is a really important series to me. I’ve been playing the games since I was 12, and almost ten years later, I still eat them up. The series’ latest entry, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a great example of why the series is so great. It is the second installment in a planned trilogy of games that will reimagine the FF7 universe. Some really cool stuff here. Well, some would agree with me, but many fans of the original have bemoaned these newer games for changing too much. If you ask me, these new games are awesome because of the love they have for the original, and the new ideas they have.

Rebirth was such a mind blowing experience to go through. There were so many questions I had when it came to the story of that game. What would happen to Aerith? What would change from the original? What would stay the same? This really motivated me to play the hell out of the game’s story and to get through it. Funnily enough, I spent so many hours going through the side content of the game, because I wanted to do as much of it as I could. 80 something hours later, I beat it. 

What is so indescribable about this game is how wide and expanded it feels, especially compared to Remake. Remake was great, but its world design consisted of a lot of linear areas, and some more open, explorable hub areas interspersed. Rebirth goes full on open world, with explorable towns and chocobos to ride. It’s so much fun, and it is honestly breathtaking on a first playthrough. I felt the same way I felt starting this game as I did when I started Breath of the Wild all those years back. 

The most interesting part of the game to me is the story. I have twenty different potential blog posts I can write about this section, but the story was really interesting here. Some stuff I really enjoyed, and some stuff I honestly was left scratching my head about. I don’t want to spoil anything in this piece, since I will definitely write some others that are spoiler based. But this story kept me on edge, let’s say, and I genuinely did not expect what happened in it to happen. This game is a remake of another game, yet I was shocked by the story. How cool is that? That’s an encapsulation of the entire game. What a damn cool scenario huh? If you loved the original FF7, play Remake and Rebirth. They’ll make you love the original even more.

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