Blue Jennifer

We almost started something 

You introduced me to so much

Only to fade

How many women have left me on airplanes?

She came over to my dorm

With a vibrant booze handle

And a tripod

Her lips tasted like pink whitney

Take my body to alcohol

That was the first of many things you took from me

That night

I ended my eyes by looking at the camcorder

Almost more than I looked at your glasses

The girl after her once asked

If my first time was good

While I drove her car

I knew she was sobbing in her heart

What’s funny is my countless times with her

Were way better than with you

Because I loved her

Or so I thought

Her hair wasn’t dark like yours though

Maybe I didn’t

My dreams next to you were bashful

Before I woke up

You bounced 

And left a tape 

With a blue ribbon signed

Love, Jennifer

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Here at Lunch with Nick, I want to foster a cozy, chill, and fun blog. Hopefully, while you read my off the cuff, train of thought blog posts, you’ll feel like you’re catching up with an old friend over lunch. Please enjoy!

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