I love Summer

So summer is damn near here. For me it is anyway. And for most college kids and graduates alike, summer is essentially here. Summer has been something that’s kind of hit and miss with me in the past. Mostly when I was a kid, I would always go to camps during the summer. Baseball camp to be specific. It was fun. I liked sports a bit as a kid, I was always pretty good at baseball, but I think when I was a kid, I’d honestly rather stay at home and play video games. Of course, that was when I was a kid. 

Now, I look back and I’m glad I did that. It was a great experience, going to camp, making friends, and being active. Yeah, it might not have been what I did if I was in charge of 10 year old me back then, but sometimes you gotta go out there and be in the sun. When I got too old to go to camp, I then went into the workforce. And by that I’m talking the shitty part time job workforce. I had so many part time jobs I can’t describe it. I worked at a liquor store, at a camp, at a bar, sheesh it was crazy. All crummy as hell jobs too. 

Most summers that’s what it consisted of for me. Just working at jobs that I hated. I didn’t really used to look forward to summer in my later teenage years. It’s not like I had a girlfriend or anything like that to spend time with, well, one summer I did but we didn’t see each other much. It wasn’t until recently that I started to actually look forward to summer. I feel like most people like summer because you have so much free time to do whatever you want. Play video games, go to the beach, go to the movies, meet new people. A lot of people I know loved the summer because they were excited to get girlfriends or boyfriends. 

I remember summer ‘22, I was talking to this one girl the entire summer. I would eventually have a strange situationship with her, but that entire summer we texted and called all the time. We never met up though, because I was so busy with work. I usually work two to three jobs over the summer. These jobs are better than my previous ones by the way, real nice. So yeah, I got back to school that semester and her and I did our thing. Then, the summer after that, summer ‘23, sheesh that was wild. Where do I even start?

So I was dating a girl. Not the same girl as before, a different one. We were in a full blown relationship, but we were long distance. I was working a lot at my jobs still, she had a job, and she also bartended on the side. I was honestly never crazy about that job but that’s an entirely different post. So yeah we were both real busy. On top of the jobs I had, I had to take three summer classes to make up for some credits. Insane. Also, I tried my best to hang out with her as much as we could, and she was 3.5 hours away from me, so we saw each other maybe twice a month. It was insane as hell. Easily the craziest summer I had.

Just to spend time with my girlfriend, I had to take off from both jobs, and it wasn’t even that often. I was so busy too, I remember one time I had to do a quiz for one of my classes online at her apartment. It was a nightmare. That whole summer was a nightmare honestly. Yeah it was fun but I had so much work, so many shifts, so much drama with my girlfriend for the smallest, stupidest reasons. Ugh. It was a mess. I don’t miss that. I did so much driving that summer it was not okay. Funniest part is I’m not even with her anymore. But hey, what’s done is done. Is what it is.

I’m honestly writing this because of what just happened. I’m at work right now, but I just got back from my friends’ house. We barbecued some burgers and a big tomahawk steak and watched “Split”. Crazy movie by the way. It really made me think “damn this is what summer is all about”. We didn’t even do anything crazy. We just pulled up, and chilled with some good food. It’s so nice to have free time again, and to be home with people I’ve loved since I was a kid. It’s so damn nice. It gave me this wholesome, warm and fuzzy feeling. It was just nice. And now I got my own car so I’ve really been doing a lot of coming and going as I please.

It’s great. I’m a whole ass adult right now with so much independence. I love it. It reminds me of another summer. Summer ‘21. This summer, I just got back from my freshman year of college. I didn’t really have a ton planned this summer other than play video games, hang out with friends, and make money working. And boy I worked like a dog. But still, I played so many games and had a great time. It’s little, simple memories like that. I plan to make a lotta those this summer. That’s what it’s all about. Even this week I have a plan with someone different everyday. It’s an exciting time. Here’s to another great summer.

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